
FG speaks on refusing to evacuate Igbos in Sudan

FG speaks on refusing to evacuate Igbos in Sudan

Claims that the Nigerian Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, failed to arrange for the evacuation of Igbo inhabitants there have been refuted by the Federal Government.

In a widely shared video, a Nigerian claimed that Igbos were requested to leave the flight so that Nigerians of other ethnicities could board the aircraft for evacuation.

Francisca Omayuli, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ spokesperson, asserted that the accusation had been investigated and found to be untrue.

Igbos were among the initial group of the 637 Nigerians who were evacuated to the Aswan Border in Egypt, according to Omayuli, who encouraged the general public to dismiss the allegation.

She said that they are now waiting for their eventual arrival back in Nigeria.

Omayuli added that despite fights breaking out between students and other Nigerian citizens because there weren’t enough buses, the problem had been resolved.

More buses were made available so that they could transport every Nigerian citizen in Sudan who expressed interest in being evacuated.

Because of this, she continued, “it is surprising that such a false accusation could be made against officials of the Embassy who had diligently worked on the evacuation exercise.”

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