Kimberly 2 (2023) – Yoruba
Movie Summary
The life of a vibrant woman, Kimberly goes awry when the bliss of her marriage turns into an emotionally crippling tragedy. Filled with grief, loneliness and pain, she encounters a man (Ibrahim Chatta) who births new hope but there are more hurdles she has to overcome. Find out more.
Produced By: Victoria Ajibola
Directed By: Taofiq Abisogun
Runtime: 01:06:55
Released On:: 2023-01-11 09:30:03
You can now access and watch Kimberly 2 – Yoruba Movie 2023 Drama Starring Femi Adebayo, Ibrahim Chatta, Debbie Shokoya, Victoria Ajibola now courtesy of Exclusive9ja.com.