
Time To Heal (2023) – Nollywood 

Movie Summary
Mark(Ademola Amoo) loves his wife Julia(Nadia Buari) and only daughter Lucy(Dera Osadebe) so much but he rarely spend time with them due to work…his worst nightmare became his reality, when himself and his daughter was involved in an accident. Could this be the end of their not so happy home? Starring NADIA BUARI, ADEMOLA AMOO, OLA DANIELS, DERA OSADEBE.
Runtime: 02:21:18

Released On:: 2023-04-21 18:00:14

You can now access and watch Time To Heal – Nadia Buari, Ademola Amoo, Ola Daniels, Dera Osadebe 2023 Nigerian Nollywood Movie now courtesy of


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