
Who Is Lee Broderick and Why Was She Disinherited?

Lee Broderick dBackgroun Details

One of Daniel and Betty Broderick’s four children, Lee Broderick was born on June 24, 1970, and currently stands at the age of. Famously, Lee’s mother killed her father and his second wife, Linda Kolkena, and was imprisoned for murder in 1991. When Lee’s father tragically passed away, he was quite wealthy and left his estate to his kids and second wife. But due to his drug usage and academic concerns, he disinherited Lee.

The Broderick family story is a tragic one that has captivated many true crime connoisseurs over the years but the people at the heart of it are trying to move on with their lives. One of them is Lee Broderick who presently resides in Idaho and stays out of the spotlight.

Summary of Lee Broderick’s Bio

  • Full name: Kathy Lee Broderick
  • Nickname: Lee Broderick
  • Gender: Female
  • Date of birth: June 24, 1970
  • Lee Broderick’s Age: 53 years old
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Nationality: American
  • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  • Sexual Orientation: Straight
  • Religion: Catholicism
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Lee Broderick’s Parents: Daniel and Betty Broderick
  • Siblings: Kim (brother), Daniel Jr. (brother), Rhett (brother)
  • Famous for: The Family’s Story

Lee Broderick was Born 53 Years Ago

Lee Broderick was born in Idaho on June 24th, 1970, and is of white ethnicity, as both of her parents are of European descent. Betty and Dan Broderick were married in 1969, and their marriage lasted for 16 years before they got divorced in 1985. The couple had four children together namely Lee, Kim, Dan, and Rhett Broderick.

Lee’s parents divorced owing to several problems they faced in their marriage but the worst of all was Dan’s extramarital affair with his assistant, Linda Kolkena. Following the outcome of their divorce settlement, Dan’s wife Betty was granted full custody of their four children while Dan was allowed visitation rights. Lee and her siblings lived with their mother, Betty, in their family home in La Jolla, California.

Lee’s Father felt She Became too Influenced by Her Mother

Though Dan was granted access to his kids by the court, his relationship with Betty which seems to have been marred beyond repair made it impossible for Dan to have a significant presence in his kids’ life. Perhaps, it was at this point that Lee started getting distant from her father.

According to news reports, Daniel had allegedly become estranged from Lee and Rhett due to conflicts over their relationships and behavior, and he believed that they had become too influenced by their mother, Betty. Some reports also have it that Lee had gotten involved in drugs and had challenges with her academics while she was in school and thus had fallen out of favor with her father.

In 1989, Betty Broderick shot and killed Dan and Linda in their bedroom. As expected, the law quickly caught up with her and she was separated from her children and had to stand for trial following which she got convicted. After her conviction, Lee and her siblings were raised by their maternal grandparents.

The Broderick siblings

Lee was Raised by Her Aunt and Uncle After Her Father’s Death and Mother’s Arrest 

When Lee’s mother, Betty, killed her father, Daniel Broderick, and his new wife, Linda Kolkena, in 1989, Lee was only 14 years old. Lee and her other siblings were moved to live with their maternal aunt and uncle after Betty was detained for questioning following the murder.
But they were very far from making their aunt’s home their own. Lee and her younger sister Kim were then moved to live with their father’s sister Kathy Broderick and her husband Richard Broderick in 1991 following a contentious custody dispute.

Why did Dan Broderick Leave Lee Broderick out of His Will?

Lee was disinherited by her father, Dan Broderick, before his death, for a variety of reasons. One of the primary reasons for Dan’s decision to disinherit Lee was his concern that Betty would use any inheritance to continue her campaign of harassment and revenge against him and Linda. Dan had already paid for Lee’s education and had provided her with a trust fund, but he feared that Betty would try to use Lee’s inheritance as a weapon against him.

Dan may also have been influenced by his new wife, Linda, who was reportedly uncomfortable with Betty’s close relationship with Lee. Linda may have even worried that Betty would use Lee as a pawn in her ongoing battle with Dan.

Many people also believe that Lee was disinherited by her father, Dan Broderick, because of the drug issues and school troubles she was having. This seems harsh though as she could have been given the opportunity to clean up her act so as to still benefit from her dad’s wealth. Then again, her dad may have still amended his will to include her if not for his untimely death.

Was Lee Broderick Involved in the “Dirty John” Movie?

Lee did not appear in the Dirty John television series. Lee Broderick has spoken publicly about her mother’s case and has been interviewed by various media outlets. It is possible that she may have received compensation for her interviews, but it is unclear whether she received any payment specifically for discussing her mother’s case in relation to the Dirty John series.

Betty Broderick’s case has been the subject of numerous books, documentaries, and television programs over the years, and it’s possible that Lee Broderick received payment for her involvement in other productions. However, without more specific information, it’s impossible to say for certain whether she earned money from the Dirty John series.

Lee Broderick Began Working as a Lawyer in 2007

Growing up,  Lee attended several schools during her teenage years, including The Bishop’s School in La Jolla, California, and The Madeira School in McLean, Virginia. She went on to study at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, where she graduated with a degree in political science in 1999.

After completing her education with a degree in political science from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, Lee pursued a career in law. She attended law school at the University of San Diego and later joined the San Diego District Attorney’s Office as a prosecutor.

She began working as a Deputy District Attorney in San Diego in 2007, and she is reportedly highly respected in her field. Lee has been successful in her career as a prosecutor and earned recognition for her work on several high-profile cases. In 2013, she was honored with the San Diego County Bar Association’s Service to Diversity Award for her efforts to promote diversity in the legal profession.

Lee Broderick has been able to build a successful life for herself despite the tragic events of her childhood. She has been able to overcome the challenges she faced growing up and has pursued a career that she is passionate about.

Where is Lee Broderick Now?

Lee Broderick presently lives in Idaho and stays out of the spotlight. This is unlike some of her siblings such as Kim who has writer a book and her brother, Rhett who has appeared on Oprah. Lee’s lifestyle makes it difficult to gain insight into her personal life.

At the time of her mother Betty’s murder of Lee’s father, Daniel Broderick, and his new wife, Linda Kolkena, in 1989, Lee was only 14 years old. Lee and her other siblings were sent to live with their maternal aunt and uncle after the murder because Betty was detained and subjected to questioning.

But they were a long way from calling their aunt’s house home. After a contentious custody dispute in 1991, Lee and Kim were eventually sent to live with their father’s sister Kathy Broderick and her husband Richard Broderick.


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