
Is Antonio Garza Trans?

Is Antonio Garza Transgender? Detail Information

Antonio Garza trans

Transgender Antonio Garza. The YouTube sensation and beauty influencer has decided to identify as a transwoman despite being born with a male gender identity.

She grew up with her Caucasian mother and older brother in Austin, Texas, where Antonio Garza was born on December 15, 2002. She is a hybrid of Mexican and White ancestry.

What is Antonio Garza’s Sexuality

Antonio Garza is a Trans-woman, and she doesn’t mind being in a heterosexual relationship, as seen in one of her YouTube videos when she casually mentioned getting a boyfriend. Also, in 2020, after taking a break from YouTube, she mentioned that she had gone through a difficult breakup. However, she did not reveal the identity of her ex-boyfriend nor the details of their relationship.

Until the star comes out publicly to acknowledge her trans status or reassignment surgeries, we can only speculate on these. However, her growing popularity indicates that her fans do not care about these things. They love her personality and talent. For now, she is profiting off the whole drama, with some of the titles on her videos serving as click-bait for those inquisitive about her gender.

Antonio Garza’s Brother First Revealed His Male Identity

One of the most popular search questions about beauty influencer Antonio Garza is; ‘Is Antonio Garza Trans?’ A look at the name ‘Antonio’ will show that it is primarily a male name of Spanish origin. Therefore, it is within reason for people to have a double take at the male-sounding name while trying to match her name to her gender expression.

A ‘slip-up’ by her brother on a post, where he referred to her as ‘little brother,’ also added to the heated debate on Antonio’s gender identity. Of course, as a famous online personality, people would be naturally curious about her origins, especially as she appears somewhat androgynous. Her name, voice, aesthetics, and general vibe might not come off as overtly feminine if you look too closely. That is not to say that femininity is defined.

Given that there are several other Trans creators on different platforms, her being Trans isn’t an issue. But Antonio’s continued silence over the matter has only heightened people’s curiosity.

Antonio Garza’s Transition Journey

Antonio doesn’t speak out much about her transition. Antonio allegedly deleted all of her older recordings, according to a fan who has been following her since she first began transitioning. Even though she started her YouTube channel on January 26, 2014, the only videos there are from that year. She probably doesn’t want the focus of her content to be her gender. She has been concentrating more on her cosmetics and beauty makeover videos.

But based on what we do know, Antonio Garza started showing an interest in makeup at the age of six. She found it fascinating to watch her mother apply cosmetics, but it wasn’t until she was a teenager that she truly acquired the skill.

It is safe to say that she began her transitioning process at a fairly young age. She was already growing out her hair as a young girl, and by the time she became popular, she was identifying as female. Her mom is her biggest supporter. For example, she accompanied Antonio to her lip filler surgery.

Did Antonio Garza Get Gender Reassignment Surgery?

Just as Antonio has decided to keep mum on her transitioning journey, she has not revealed whether she has undergone reassignment surgery. Also known as gender-affirming surgery, this surgery would involve Adam’s apple reduction, breast augmentation, penectomy, orchiectomy (removal of the penis and scrotum), and feminizing genitoplasty (construction of a vagina and labia). Hormone replacement therapy is also part of the process.

Fans have noted that although being biologically male, Antonio does not have a big Adam’s apple. This could imply that she received hormone replacement therapy prior to entering puberty. However, not every male has pronounced Adam’s apples. Transwomen are known to wear artificial breasts or padded bras as an alternative to breast augmentation surgery, even though hormone therapy also promotes breast growth.

We can tell that Antonio Garza hasn’t done much work so far. She primarily uses makeup and her personal sense of style to convey her femininity. She has only ever admitted to having minor surgery like a belly button piercing and injections of silicone lip filler to give her lips more volume.

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