
UN expresses worry over deteriorating conditions of detained Nigerien president

UN expresses worry over deteriorating conditions of detained Nigerien president

United Nations, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, has expressed concern over the deteriorating conditions in which the Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum, his wife and his son have been detained. UN Deputy Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, Mr Farhan Haq, said this at a news conference in New York on Friday. President Bazoum and his family are believed to be living without electricity, water, food or medicine, according to media reports. The democratically elected leader has been detained since soldiers seized power on July 26. “Further to what the Secretary-General has said about his concerns for President Mohamed Bazoum of Niger, he is extremely concerned about their rapidly deteriorating conditions.”

According to reliable accounts, the incarceration conditions may amount to inhumane and degrading treatment, which is against international human rights legislation.

Haq continued, “And he added that those in charge of the president’s detention must ensure the complete respect and protection of his human rights and of all others being held.”

Anthonio Guterres, the secretary-general, repeated his concern for the president and his family’s health and safety on Thursday.
He demanded his immediate and unconditional release and reassumption of his position as state leader once more.

Continual reports of the detention of several government officials also concerned Guterres, who urgently demanded their unconditional release.


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