
10 Ugliest People in the World Right Now

The Ugly People In The World

There is no reason one would actively desire to be one of the world’s ugly people. These folks are so unattractive that you can’t bear to look at them for more than five seconds. 

It is important to note that while some of the individuals on this list were intentionally transformed to appear ugly, others were born with an ugly visage. But even as we talk about how ugly the people in this piece may be, we want you to know that despite one’s appearance, they can still have a complete life. The world’s ugliest individuals are listed below, along with their tales.

The Ugliest People In The World

1. Lizzie Velasquez

  • Age: 34 years old
  • Country: American
  • Career: Motivational Speaker, Activist
Ugliest People

Lizzie Velasquez was 17 years old in 2006 when she stumbled on a YouTube video of herself that was titled “The World’s Ugliest Woman.” She was shocked by the millions of hateful comments she saw about her appearance. Velasquez was born just this way, with a rare syndrome that prevents her from gaining weight. She is also blind in one eye. According to her parents, when Lizzie was born, the doctors said; “we just want to warn you, expect your daughter to never be able to walk, talk, think, or do anything by herself.”

Today, she is a 34-year-old author, motivational speaker, anti-bullying activist, and YouTube influencer who uses her experience via her platform to encourage others who have ever been bullied. One of her TED Talks went viral and gathered millions of views on YouTube. Lizzie Velasquez refused to quit but continued making her voice heard until people began to listen. “…all I know is being knocked down and getting back stronger…” she said in the trailer.

2. Jason Schechter

  • Age: N/A
  • Country: American
  • Career: Former Police Officer, Public/Inspirational Speaker, Author
Jason Schechterle

Here is another man in the world who made the list of the ugliest people not by his desire but by the will of fate. He was not born ugly nor did he intentionally undergo any form of surgery. Jason Schechter is a retired police officer who while he was still in service survived a great tragedy. In 2001, while he was patrolling in his area, Officer Jason was involved in a ghastly motor accident that nearly claimed his life. A taxi crashed into his car and both vehicles broke out like a match, bursting into flames. Jason couldn’t come out of the car when it caught fire and so he suffered severe burns (fourth-degree). He was taken to the hospital, and along the line of treatment, the doctors had no other option than to remove his face.

Finally, after he was discharged from the hospital, the newspaper Weekly World News listed him as one of the ugliest people in the world. However, Jason went on to sue the publication and he won the case. Today, the corporation that owns the publishing house is in charge of paying a decent amount of money to support victims of burns. The exact amount it pays isn’t verified but the press named it a “substantial amount”. Since then, the publication of Weekly World News became the most known “yellow newspaper” in America.

Today, Jason not only survived the accident but has become a hero and inspiration, a keynote speaker, inspiring people across the globe to never give up but keep going no matter what it looks like. He is d good example of the quote “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” To accurately tell his story, Jason wrote a book titled Burning Shield. Jason, before the tragedy, was a married man with two kids. It is worthy to note that his wife and children gave him huge support after the tragedy which contributed to his fast healing, mentally and emotionally.

3. Joshua Glen Box

  • Age: 40 Years Old
  • Country: Springdale, Arkansas
  • Career: N/A
Ugliest People

Joshua Glen Box, who was seriously accused of being a child predator, gained notoriety in 2018 as one of the ugliest persons in the world. No way was Joshua born this way. He attempted suicide in 2015 after being charged for the first time with child pornography. He shot himself in the face.

Unfortunately, he was unsuccessful and only survived to have a disfigured face as a result of the rounds he had fired at himself. Due to his malformed face, people began to rank him among the ugliest individuals in the world once his image appeared online. His most well-known moniker is “The Man with No Nose.”

4. Etienne Dumont

  • Age: N/A
  • Country: Geneva
  • Career: Literary Critic
Etienne Dumont

Another person on the list is Etienne Dumont who decided to tattoo his whole body, from hair to toe. He was not born ugly but over time underwent a series of transformations just to look ugly. He chose to be different from every other human being to stand out from the crowd. Some of the transformations he underwent include a five-centimeter ring in his ear tunnels, silicone implants under his skin, and pinned glasses that made him look like a young bull among others. 99% of his body is covered with bizarre tattoos which makes him look frightening. Etienne Dumont fought so hard to get to the list of the ugliest people in the world, and apparently, he achieved his purpose. He is by profession a literary critic from Geneva.

5. William Masvinu

  • Age: N/A
  • Country: Zimbabwe
  • Career: Celebrity
Ugliest People

William Masvinu made a career out of his ugliness and became famous. He has been Zimbabwe’s ugliest man for quite a long period and has enjoyed so many advantages that come with it. Despite his looks, William has bagged several endorsements as well as awards that made him proud of his deformity. To celebratethe beauty in ugliness, the Zimbabwe government runs a Mr. Ugly contest every year. The competition started in 2009 and since then Masvinu never seems to disappoint every year. The contest has gained so much popularity in the country that many ugly people are battling to make it to the top. According to William Masvinu, winning the crown was the best and most significant thing that hhadever happened to him in his entire life. People continue to wow on how he delights in his ugliness and wins awards for it. However, in 2015, he lost the position to another person.

6. Maison Sere

  • Age: 50 years old
  • Country: Zimbabwe
  • Career: Celebrity
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Maison Sere

Maison Sere is not deformed but his ugly face and ugly smile with several teeth missing put him on the list of the ugliest people in the world. He is the personwhot took over from William Masvinu in the Mr. Ugly Zimbabwean contest. He defeated the long-running champion in 2015, a victory the latter was not happy about. Maison Sere has also gone on to enjoy the advantages following the title. According to him, since nice-looking people make money from their looks by being models, ugly people should also be given chances on that eno.

7. Donatella Versace

  • Age: 68 years old
  • Country: Italian
  • Career: Fashion Designer, Businesswoman
Donatella Versace

Donatella Versace is a sister to Gianni Versace, the founder of the Versace designer label who died in 1997. Following his death, Donatella became the chief executive officer of the company and inherited 20% of its stake. Donatella Versace couldn’t have made this list of the ugliest people in the world because she was probably not born ugly, but it seems that people tend to have forgotten exactly what she looked like before the bad plastic surgery she did.

Anyway, Donatella is a good example that too much nip and tuck can lead to “ugly” consequences. Her pursuitofr beauty led her to embark on the dangerous journey of plastic surgery which eventually brought the outcome of what you see in the picture. Donatella does not only have big lips but, she is also strangely thin, which is reportedly caused by an eating disorder. She seems to have a tight face as a result of the facelift but other parts of her skin are sagging.

8. Michael Berryman

  • Age: 75 years old
  • Country: American
  • Career: Actor

One of the individuals who earned a living off of their unattractive appearance is Michael Berryman. Berryman’s eerie portrayal of Pluto in Wes Craven’s The Hills Have Eyes will live long in the memory of those who grew up in the 1970s. He also performed as various eerie characters, including a monster, a mutant biker, and an evil undertaker. He had an advantage over other performers in getting roles in horror films because of his horrifying visage.

Apart from ranking as one of the ugliest people in the world, many people are not aware that Berryman is suffering from a rare condition known as Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia. The disease is characterized by the absence of sweat glands, fingernails, hair, and teeth.

9. Jocelyn Wildenstein

  • Age: 83 years old
  • Country: American
  • Career: Socialite
Jocelyn Wildenstein

Jocelyn Wildenstein serves as another warning for people who are planning to go on the journey of plastic surgery because they might as well find a place on the list of ugly people in the world. According to reports, Jocelyn has spentcloseyto  $4 million on cosmetic surgery. How did she make all the money, you might ask. She is a rich socialite from Switzerland who made her wealth from the divorce settlement she got from her billionaire ex-husband, Alec Wildenstein, a US-based art dealer. Her ugly appearance allowed the press to dub her aThe Bride of Wildenstein.” A cosmetic surgery freak, she has widely been recognized for her extensive cosmetic surgery resulting in her catlike look.

10. Eric Sprague

  • Age: 49 years old
  • Country: American
  • Career: Performer
Eric Sprague

Eric Sprague is an American performer professionally known as The Lizardman. He became famous as one of the ugliest people in the world for his endless body modifications. This man is another individual who chooses to be ugly and not that he was born ugly. Some of his body modifications include subdermal implants, a bifurcated tongue, a full-body tattoo of green scales, a set of sharpened teeth, green-inked lips, etc. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and before his transformation was a Ph.D. student.

Who Is The Ugliest Man In The World?

Having listed 10 of the ugly people in the world, here we present to you a man twhois regarded as the ugliest of them all, Godfrey Baguma.

Godfrey Baguma

  • Age: 50 years old
  • Country: Uganda
  • Career: Shoemaker, Singer

It is not interesting to be referred to as ugly and crowned for it but there is no other way than accepting tthe obvious fact Over time, the ugliest man title has been rotating from one person to another, and currently, the one that holds the crown is Godfrey Baguma who won the Guinness World Record for his disproportioned look.

Baguma is a Ugandan man. He was not born this way but as time went on, it was found out that his face started looking strange. According to Tony Wilson, the head medical practitioner in Uganda, Baguma suffers from Fibrodysplasia, a rare condition that makes him look like a strange creature. This affects the growth and placement of cell tissues which results in abnormalities in his head and other parts of his brain.

Godfrey Baguma was a shoemaker by trade, but he was struggling to make ends meet so he decided to enter the contest to find the world’s ugliest man. Given his bizarre appearance, he ultimately won the tournament. Godfrey has developed into a local celebrity who performs African Pop songs today. Millions of people watch his YouTube videos. Godfrey Baguma’s health issue cannot be passed on to his offspring, which is interesting. Yes! He has eight children and is married.

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