
My mum approved my erotic role in Ijakumo – Actress Lolade Okusanya

My mum approved my erotic role in Ijakumo – Actress Lolade Okusanya

Actress Lolade Okusanya of Nollywood has revealed that her mother gave her permission to take on an erotica part in Toyin Abraham’s newest film, “Ijakumo.”

In the crime thriller, Okunsanya portrayed Sharon, an undercover dancer.

The actress recently appeared on TVC’s program, Your View, and disclosed that she sent photographs of strippers to her mother and siblings and informed them to anticipate her to play the same role in her future film.

She claimed that her family was ready for them to see her in the role.

I was not myself, she proclaimed. I played the part.

“I went through that time. I wasn’t considering myself. Consequently, prior to this [performing the role]. I previously had… My family would be the most significant individuals in my life, and I know they would shatter me. Therefore, in addition to sending movies of strippers to aunty Toyin Abraham, I also sent them to my mother, my sister, my brother, and other significant individuals in my life. These are the kinds of stuff you will see on Netflix, so I hope everything is well. Hmm, remarked my mother.

“But they had mentally prepared themselves. They had mentally prepared their own large families. The folks I cared about the most were ready. Social media is capable of operating. However, the ones that meant the most to me.

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